We are getting ready for a big season. Until the flowers start popping out of the ground, we have a few opportunities to purchase subscriptions and flowers now.
We offer a flower subscription that provides a weekly bouquet that is lusher that our originals. By buying ahead, your commitment to us allows us to invest in improvements including:
Bettering soil health and texture
Switching to soil blocks for transplants so we can grow more successions of each variety right at our home
Improving our plant support systems in the field
Adding another 400 feet of deer fence to protect the precious plants
Building a walk in cooler
The subscription is $160 for a minimum of 12 bouquets mid-June through September. Pick up will be available Wednesday and Friday at the studio in West Winfield or Saturday mornings at the Oneida County Public Market in Utica. We are working on additional locations midweek. There is a limited number of shares available.
We also offer a flower coupon with each of the six petals good for an everyday bouquet throughout the season. The flowers are $50 each.
I have also spent these winter months playing with dried flowers. We will have potpourri base and a few mason jar arrangements available. Plus a fresh batch of reusable t-shirt bags.
We restocked the stuffed heirloom veggies with tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, carrots, squash and pumpkins. Also working on a selection of chickens based on heritage birds.
Contact us for more flowers and fun!